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GiveTogether is an informal network of giving circles meant to provide a platform for sharing experiences, ideas and inspirations. There is no fee or obligation to become a member of GiveTogether.  The hope is that you will find our site rich in resources to help you start your own giving circle.  We’re here to guide you and link you to friends who, like you, want to help others in your community.


GiveTogether started with just one circle – GiVe – based in Henderson, Nevada. It started when our founder, Leslie DeVore, read an article that inspired her to gather her friends together to make a difference in the lives of those around her. You can read her full story HERE.








That incredible experience has transformed into a new concept – a network of giving circles from around the country – or even the world! We want to help you and your friends create circles so you too can experience the joy of giving back – the joy of helping children get books of their own for the first time to help them learn to read, or the gratitude of a mom whose family received food and assistance while she was in cancer therapy –  all through your simple efforts.


Forming or joining a giving circle is a wonderful way to get involved in your community, leverage your charitable giving dollars, and meet and socialize with like-minded friends. You can be part of this amazing movement, one that is defining a new age of philanthropy.


Welcome, we’re thrilled to have you with us.


- Justine Z.

"Thank you so much for being a champion for
these amazing children!
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