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Teen MD changes lives

Young. Old.

Male. Female.

Working. In School. Retired.

We all can give.

The beauty of Giving Circles is that there are no boundaries, no restrictions and no limits. That's what Teen MD, a group of teenagers, found out when they decided to give back to their community. While they didn't have money, they found they could give of their time to those in need. We at could not be more proud of these young people and the lifetime of change they've made for those less fortunate.

And it doesn't always take money! They discovered that they could truly make a difference by pooling their precious time, energy and enthusiasm!

Thank you to Desert Companion for sharing their story! You can read the entire article by clicking here:


Here’s advice from TeenMD’s pioneers

  • Start early. When kids are in middle school is ideal, moms said, because after that they get over-extended with activities.

  • Enlist people who get along. “I think it worked because the kids were good friends anyway, not just the moms, ” Newman says.

  • Keep it easygoing. Allow them to put organized events first. “If somebody had a soccer game? They couldn’t go that day. It’s OK,” Mahoney says.

  • Keep it informal. No dues and no agenda means no drama, Newman says. The more demands you make, the less fun it will be.

  • That said, commit. “It requires a lot of hard work and time, and you have to really want to do this,” Conner Au says.

  • Pick a ringleader. Let families choose causes and organize outings in their own way, but designate someone to keep track of and share contact information, and keep the trains running on time.

  • Go local. TeenMD prefers grassroots groups over national organizations, which typically have enough name recognition and marketing to get plenty of volunteers.

  • Don’t give up. Interest in the group will wax and wane, Mahoney says, but if you keep it fun, people will keep showing up.

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